Best Friends

Best Friends is a unique service that bridges the gap between generations. It brings care home residents, Foothold volunteers and their pets together with young people.


By visiting care homes with pets and young people, our ‘Best Friends’ service creates new friendships and understanding between the generations. It gives all who take part the chance to meet new people and make friends, share life experience and perspectives, whilst benefiting from the companionship of a pet to share their affections. The pets act as a bridge, opening conversations and helping calm and reassure all who take part.


Our ‘Best Friends’ service supports young people to build their self-esteem and confidence, whilst helping others in their local community.


How to get involved

Are you a Care Home worker or resident and would like to arrange a visit?


Are you a young person who would like to get involved?


Would you like to volunteer with your pet?


Get in touch with Helen on 07539 881333 (send a text or call) or email